Check if You Can Run Laravel 11 Locally

Check if your local PHP setup is ready to run Laravel 11 apps. A simple script you can copy and run.

What's the Problem?

Is there an easy way to see if your local PHP installation can run Laravel 11 apps?

Well, yeah. There isn't. It's 2024 and installing PHP is still not easy.

You can use XAMPP, Laravel Herd, MAMP, install manually. All these come with different set of enabled extensions.

Solution to the Problem

I've made a simple script that will tell you if your PHP can run Laravel 11 apps. It will:

  • List all the missing extensions
  • It will tell you if you can connect to MySQL, Postgres or SQLite.
  • It will point you to the PHP binary and php.ini file - so that you can enable the missing extensions if any.

Grab the script here or just copy it from here.


$required_php_version = '8.2.0';
$required_extensions = [

$missing_extensions = [];

// ANSI color codes
$green = "\033[32m";
$red = "\033[31m";
$reset = "\033[0m";

// Get full path to PHP binary and php.ini file
$php_binary = PHP_BINARY;
$php_ini = php_ini_loaded_file();

echo "PHP binary path: $php_binary\n";
echo "php.ini path: $php_ini\n";

// Check PHP version
$current_php_version = phpversion();
$php_version_status = version_compare($current_php_version, $required_php_version, '>=');
if ($php_version_status) {
  echo "{$green}OK{$reset} - PHP version is $current_php_version\n";
} else {
  echo "{$red}FAIL{$reset} - PHP version is $current_php_version (Required: $required_php_version or higher)\n";

// Check PHP extensions
foreach ($required_extensions as $extension) {
  if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
    $missing_extensions[] = $extension;

if (empty($missing_extensions)) {
  echo "{$green}OK{$reset} - All required PHP extensions are installed\n";
} else {
  echo "{$red}FAIL{$reset} - The following required PHP extensions are missing:\n";
  foreach ($missing_extensions as $missing) {
    echo "- $missing\n";

// Check database connections
$db_connections = [
  'PostgreSQL' => function() {
    return extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql');
  'MySQL' => function() {
    return extension_loaded('pdo_mysql');
  'SQLite' => function() {
    return extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite');

foreach ($db_connections as $db_name => $check) {
  if ($check()) {
    echo "{$green}OK{$reset} - Connection to $db_name is available\n";
  } else {
    echo "{$red}FAIL{$reset} - Connection to $db_name is not available\n";
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